As General Makina, we introduced the advanced technology injection moulding solutions offered by the UN700D1M Series at Plast Eurasia.
Plast Eurasia 2024, held from December 4-7, 2024, at the Istanbul Tüyap Fair and Congress Center, provided a unique platform to showcase the latest innovations in the plastic industry and meet with professionals in the sector. As General Makina, we participated in the fair with the UN700D1M Series Double Plate, Dual Component Plastic Injection Molding Machine, bringing the technologies of the future to our visitors.
The UN700D1M Series attracted attention with its advanced technology, especially developed for Layered Optical Lens Injection and Automatic Molding Solutions. This machine offers high precision and efficiency in the production of thick-walled optical lenses, providing groundbreaking solutions in the plastic injection industry.
The intense interest shown at our booth during the fair allowed us to establish valuable connections with both local and international guests. Our visitors had the opportunity to closely examine the innovative solutions offered by the UN700D1M Series and see how they could integrate this advanced technology into their operations.
As the General Makina family, we are proud to be part of this successful event.